Diablo View Rotary is Waiting for You
See our membersReady to Join?

Ready to Become A Member?

We are always looking for new members to join our club.

Here are some membership requirement highlights:

  • We ask that you visit 3-4 club meetings and get to know us, ask questions, talk to members, and really make sure that our club is a good fit for you.
  • While attending our meetings please engage our Rotarians and find a member to sponsor your application into our Club. Please do not ask a member who’s name badge has a Red Badge sticker or a member that has been with our club for less than a year. The sponsor will be your advocate through this process, answer any questions that you have, and become your buddy.
  • Monthly membership is $70/month to cover your meals and dues.
  • Rotary’s attendance requirement to remain in good standing is 50% attendance, we like our members to aim for higher and completely understand if you have other obligations that require you to miss a meeting. Make-ups are pretty easy to get done either by attending another club’s meeting or through one of our club’s various activities.


Meet the folks that make up Diablo View Rotary Club!

Melissa Ramos
Melissa Ramos

Past President

Corporate Retail

Stephen Humble
Stephen Humble

Past President

Sales Representative

Sheryl Lack
Sheryl Lack

Past President

Retired – Hospice

Jerry Maya
Jerry Maya

Past President

Criminal Investigator – Alameda County

Stephanie Shaterian
Stephanie Shaterian

Past President

Video Producer

Matthew Angell
Matthew Angell



David Benet
David Benet


Volunteer Coordinator

Tom Grundig
Tom Grundig


Owner – Grundig IT

Hector A Mendez Vazquez
Hector A Mendez Vazquez

President Elect

Financial Services Rep

Melanie Peterson-Katz
Melanie Peterson-Katz


Real Estate Agent

Daniel Sweeney
Daniel Sweeney

Past President

Banker – F&M Bank

Jason Hooker
Jason Hooker


Certified Public Accountant

Matt Morgan
Matt Morgan


CEO & Founder – Optimize Worldwide, Inc.

Joe Tagupa
Joe Tagupa


Real Estate Agent

Jason Kelleghan
Jason Kelleghan


President – Sandler Training

Andrew Jison
Andrew Jison


Financial Advisor

Jacob Ricafrente
Jacob Ricafrente


Account Executive

Sean Grovier
Sean Grovier

Past President

External Home Loan Officer

Bob Linscheid
Bob Linscheid


President & CEO – Walnut Creek Chamber

Gary Katz
Gary Katz


Title Representative

Dan Grundig
Dan Grundig


Financial Analyst

Lisa Barnett
Lisa Barnett


Executive Assistant

Sean Birney
Sean Birney


Owner – DNS Electric

Member Information

Whether you’re already a member of Diablo View Rotary, or just checking us out, these items may interest you.


Learn more about how Diablo View Rotary Club is administered. Our full bylaws can be found here

See Bylaws


All new Diablo View Rotary members go through our “Red Badge” process to help acclimate you to the club. 


See Red Badge Requirements

Red Badge Requirements

During their first 12 months of membership in the Diablo View Rotary, new members are required to complete 10 of the following objectives:


  1. Update your contact information on our website with Club Secretary.
  2. Attend a board meeting.
  3. Bring a guest to a meeting.
  4. Visit at least 1 other Rotary Club.
  5. Meet with 5 current members outside of a scheduled Rotary meeting. (i.e., meet for coffee, go out to dinner, grab lunch either with five DVRers separately or 5 or more all at once.)
  6. Volunteer at a community service event.
  7. Actively become a member of a committee.
  8. Locate and introduce a relevant speaker.
  9. Attend one of the following: club fellowship, district conference, district assembly or other district meeting.
  10. Give a speech to the club about the member’s background.


  1. Hold an event which nets $250.00 for charity.
  2. Publicize the Diablo View Rotary in local media and/or print.
  3. Read the ABC’s of Rotary.
  4. Make a donation that is personally meaningful toward your Paul Harris contribution.


There are many opportunities for professional growth at Diablo View Rotary.

See Leadership Opportunities

Leadership Opportunities

One of the privileges of our organization is the opportunity to lead and help ensure our club succeeds. Below is a list of roles members may fill.
Note: Each President gets to decide what committees they form.

President *

As president, you lead and motivate your club, ensuring that club members feel valuable, inspired, and connected to each other.

What you do:

  • Preside over club and board meetings
  • Appoint committee chairs and members
  • Conduct club assemblies
  • Work with club board members and coordinators to create a budget and manage club finances, including an annual audit.
  • Work with your district governor and assistant governor.
  • Work with incoming person to ensure smooth transition.

President Elect *

As president elect you will support the current president of the club ensuring that club members feel valuable, inspired, and connected to each other.

What you do:

  • Attend club and board meetings.
  • Conduct club assemblies when current President can not.
  • Must attend President Elect Training and other events in Spring prior to assuming the role of president.
  • Work with incoming person to ensure smooth transition.

Treasurer *

As club treasurer you play an important role in your club’s ability to carry out service projects, fundraise, and support The Rotary Foundation.

What you do:

  • Manage club funds
  • Collect and submit dues and fees
  • Report on the state of your club’s finances (Monthly)
  • Work with The Rotary Foundation
  • Work with incoming person to ensure smooth transition.

Secretary *

As club secretary you help your club run smoothly and effectively. You also monitor club trends to help identify strengths and areas for improvement, and share this information with club and district leaders.

What you do:

  • Maintain membership records and data.
  • Maintain minutes of club, board, and committee meetings.
  • Archives information for the future via DVR Google Drive
  • Work with Communications Coordinator to ensure website is up to date.
  • Submit basic report for the year (Mid July)
  • Work with incoming person to ensure smooth transition.


The function of the sergeant-at-arms is to help maintain an orderly and effective Rotary club meeting. As sergeant-at-arms, you play an important role in the overall success of each weekly meeting.

What you do:

  • Handle the physical preparations for, and the mechanical part of, a meeting. (Set up and Take down)
  • Collect “Happy Dollars” and turn resulting money over to treasurer.
  • Assist Membership Coordinator in welcoming guests and new members
  • Work with incoming person to ensure smooth transition.

Club Committees

DVR has several other leadership opportunities in the form of committees.

Fundraising Coordinator, Community Service Coordinator, Membership Lead, Speaker Coordinator, Communications and Fellowship Coordinator. Coordinators can form or assign committees as needed for projects. As a club committee member you help make your club a successful, thriving, and fun place.

Fundraising Coordinator**

As Fundraising Coordinator you play an important role in your club’s ability to raise funds for your local club, service projects, foundations projects, foundation and more The Rotary Foundation.

What you do:

  • Coordinate or support groups with events or other fundraising efforts. Report to board or club about efforts, needs, and results.
  • Be in charge of the fundraising calendar.
  • Work with Communications Coordinator to publicize events/efforts
  • Submit basic report about fundraising efforts for the year (Mid July)

Community Service Coordinator**

As Community Service Coordinator you play an important role in your club’s core mission: Serve the community.

What you do:

  • Seek out opportunities to work with/partner community organizations and provide manpower or services.
  • Coordinate our efforts.
  • Report to board or club about efforts, needs, and results.
  • Work with Communications Coordinator to publicize events/efforts.
  • Submit basic report about fundraising efforts for the year (Mid July)

Fellowship Coordinator**

As Fellowship Coordinator you play an important role in our club’s core mission: creating community ties.

What you do:

  • Seek out opportunities to bring our club together. To foster a strong community within DVR and with other Rotary Clubs.
  • Report to board or club about efforts, needs, and results.
  • Work with Communications Coordinator to publicize events/efforts
  • Submit basic report about fellowship efforts for the year (Mid July)

Speaker Coordinator**

As Speaker Coordinator you play an important role in our club’s desire to educate and inform its members on current topics, local and international concerns or any other ideas you can envision.

What you do:

  • Seek out opportunities to bring interesting speakers to our club. (Usually at least one speaker a month.)
  • Report to board or club about efforts, needs, and results.
  • Work with Communications Coordinator to publicize events/efforts
  • Submit basic report about speaker efforts for the year (Mid July)

Communications Coordinator (New!)**

As Communications Coordinator you play an important role informing its members and the public about what the club is doing.

What you do:

  • Coordinate and update club calendar of all events, speakers.
  • Coordinate flyers, website, social media and other publicity.
  • Coordinate Newsletter and send to members.
  • Report to board or club about efforts, needs, and results.
  • Work with other coordinators to publicize events/efforts
  • Work archive images of our endeavors for future use.
  • Submit basic report about communication efforts for the year (Mid July)

Membership Coordinator**

As Membership Coordinator you play an important role welcoming new members, inducting new members and more.

What you do:

  • Greet new potential members and follow up with them.
  • Coordinate Newsletter and send to members.
  • Report to board or club about efforts, needs, and results.
  • Work with Communications Coordinator to publicize events/efforts.
  • Submit basic report about communication efforts for the year (Mid July)


*Elected position

*** Appointed/Volunteer position

Paul Harris Foundation

Rotary started with the vision of one man — Paul Harris. The Chicago attorney formed the Rotary Club of Chicago on 23 February 1905, so professionals with diverse backgrounds could exchange ideas, form meaningful, lifelong friendships, and give back to their communities.

The Paul Harris Fellow program recognizes individuals who contribute, or who have contributions made in their name, of $1,000 to The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International.

The honor was established in 1957 to show appreciation for contributions that support our Annual Fund, PolioPlus, or an approved Foundation grant.

RI Paul Harris Fellows

  • Matthew Angell
  • Sheryl Lack
  • Matt Morgan
  • Joe Tagupa
  • Melissa Ramos
  • Stephanie Shaterian
  • Dan Sweeney

RI Paul Harris Fellows+

  • Jerry Maya +2
  • Gary Katz +4
  • Bob Linscheid +4